Thursday, September 29, 2011
Nasihat Kata orang yang Berjaya dalam kewangan
- Kita mesti mempunyai matlamat hidup termasuk matlamat kewangan dan matlamat tersebut perlu direkodkan untuk memudahkan proses pemantauan;(Matlamat dan Misi Kewangan)
- Kita mesti komited untuk merealisasikan impian kita kerana sememangnya tiada jalan mudah untuk berjaya;(Kesungguhan)
- Memupuk sikap mempercayai antara satu sama lain dikalangan pasangan masing-masing iaitu suami dan isteri dalam memastikan pelan perancangan kewangan berada di landasan yang betul bagi yang ingin mengikutinya;(Kerjasama Mencapai Perancangan Kewangan)
- Memupuk sikap menghargai usaha yang dilakukan untuk mencapai matlamat pada sesuatu masa. Sememangnya kejayaan yang diperolehi hasil usaha sendiri lebih bermakna;(Usaha)
- Memupuk sikap berjimat-cermat kerana kita akan menjadi lebih peka dengan perbezaan harga barang keperluan serta dapat mengasingkan antara perbelanjaan perlu setiap bulan dengan perbelanjaan yang kurang penting;(Buat Perbandingan)
- Memupuk sikap Amanah, Jujur, Ikhlas dan Telus dalam diri;(Yakin dengan Diri melalui Sikap)
- Menghormati penasihat perancang kewangan; serta
- Sentiasa berusaha, bersabar, berdoa dan bersyukur akan segala apa yang kita nikmati dan usahakan.
Fikir dulu sebelum menceburi Kegiatan Forex
Forex perniagaan kontroversi
Tarikh Disiarkan:
11 Jun, 2011 (All day)
Utusan Malaysia Online
PASTINYA ramai di antara kita pernah mendengar dan terjebak dalam
perdagangan matawang asing atau lebih dikenali sebagai 'forex'.
Sememangnya perniagaan tersebut cukup popular di kalangan masyarakat
hari ini kerana pulangannya yang cukup lumayan sehingga mampu mencecah
ribuan ringgit sebulan.
Forex ialah aktiviti yang melibatkan urusniaga satu matawang kepada
matawang yang lain. Para peniaga matawang asing mendapat keuntungan
melalui perbezaan harga beli dan harga jual sesuatu matawang.
Secara umumnya aktiviti tersebut dilakukan dengan beberapa kaedah.
Antaranya melabur dalam syarikat yang menjalankan forex di mana suatu
jenis perdagangan atau transaksi yang memperdagangkan matawang sesuatu
negara terhadap matawang negara yang lain selama 24 jam secara
Atau kaedah lain pula ia dijalankan secara sendirian. Iaitu dengan
melantik satu platform atau syarikat untuk menjalankan jual beli wang
asing dan simpan.
Namun, tidak ramai yang mengetahui hukum menyertai perniagaan tersebut sama ada dibolehkan atau sebaliknya.
Sebenarnya banyak pakar kewangan Islam ada membincangkan berkenaan
menyertai aktiviti tersebut. Bagaimanapun akibat tiada fatwa khusus yang
Berdasarkan Muzakarah Ahli-Ahli Majlis Penasihat Syariah Institusi
Kewangan Islam Malaysia yang bersidang baru-baru ini ada membincangkan
secara langsung hukum perniagaan itu.
Muzakarah tersebut dibahaskankan oleh dua kumpulan melalui tiga
pembentangan iaitu kumpulan pertama terdiri daripada penyelidik Akademi
Penyelidikan Syariah Antarabangsa untuk Kewangan Islam (ISRA), Profesor
Madya Dr. Muhammad Som, Dr. Marjan Muhammad, Luqmanul Hakim Hussain dan
Wan Norhaziki Wan Abdul Halim.
Kumpulan kedua pula dianggotai penyelidik dari Universiti Utara
Malaysia iaitu Profesor Madya Dr. Asmadi Mohd Naim, Dr. Hasniza Mohd
Taib dan Dr. Muhammad Nasri Hussain.
Hasil daripada pembentangan kedua-dua kumpulan itu telah membangkitkan
beberapa isu penting yang menyebabkan aktiviti tersebut tidak
dibenarkan dari segi hukum syarak kerana terdapat unsur-unsur riba dan
perjudian yang jelas dilarang dalam Islam.
Muzakarah oleh kumpulan pertama itu membincangkan mengenai perdagangan
matawang individu secara lani (individual spot forex) yang dijalankan
melalui platform Internet.
Secara umumnya, untuk seseorang individu memulakan perdagangan
matawang asing secara dalam talian (online), beberapa perkara perlu
disediakan iaitu talian Internet, platform matawang asing dan akaun
Lalu isu syariah yang timbul daripada spot forex itu apabila
diperincikan kepada syarat-syarat jual beli matawang asing antaranya
pinjaman (leverage atau qard), caj broker (rollover interest),
penerimaan (Qabd), menjual matawang yang tiada dalam pegangan dan
spekulasi yang melibatkan perjudian ternyata ia tidak mengikut landasan
syarak yang telah digariskan berhubung jual beli matawang (bay'
Di dalam feqah (ilmu yang menerangkan segala hukum syarak yang diambil
daripada Al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasululllah s.a.w.), ia meletakkan syarat
akad jual beli lain tidak boleh disekalikan dengan akad pinjaman. Ia
dikenali dengan permasalahan 'bayn wa salaf' iaitu jual beli berserta
dengan pinjaman.
Pengharaman jual beli itu disepakati seluruh ulama berdasarkan hadis
Nabi SAW yang bermaksud: Tidak halal salaf (pinjaman) beserta jual
beli". (riwayat Abu Daud).
Hadis itu secara nyata menunjukkan haram menghimpunkan antara akad pinjaman dan akad jual beli dalam satu akad.
Di dalam konteks perdagangan forex, ia didapati termasuk di dalam umum
larangan ini kerana broker hanya menyediakan pinjaman di atas nama
leverage kepada pedagang yang membuka posisi di platformnya sahaja.
Dan dimaklumi bahawa perdagangan forex adalah satu bentuk jual beli
iaitu pertukaran wang dengan wang, yang dinamakan 'bay Sarf', dan ia
termasuk dalam umum jual beli yang disebut dalam hadis.
Unsur kombinasi antara dua akad tersebut dikemukakan sebagai hujah
oleh Akademi Fiqh Islam yang memutuskan tidak membenarkan perniagaan
berdasarkan margin dalam satu resolusi yang dibuat pada persidangan
ke-18 pada 12 April 2006.
Isu yang yang timbul daripada kewujudan unsur pinjaman daripada broker
ialah terdapatnya riba yang jelas melalui faedah atau bunga.
Selain itu, persidangan tersebut juga memutuskan bahawa caj rollover
yang dikenakan oleh penyedia platform spot forex terdapat unsur riba
melalui penerimaan atau pemberian faedah rollover oleh pedagang forex.
Selain isu halal dan haram, perdagangan matawang asing juga melibatkan undang-undang Malaysia.
Sejak dahulu lagi, Malaysia tidak mengiktiraf sebarang urusniaga
matawang asing yang dibuat melalui saluran-saluran yang tidak sah.
Malah, terdapat peruntukan perundangan yang jelas berhubung larangan
tersebut, iaitu melalui Seksyen 3(1) dan Seksyen 4(1), (2) dan (3) Akta
Kawalan Pertukaran Wang (AKPW) 1953 yang melarang individu berurus niaga
matawang asing, kecuali setelah mendapat kebenaran Pengawal Pertukaran
Asing, iaitu Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia.
Manakala, muzakarah oleh kumpulan kedua pula merumuskan mengenai
perdagangan matawang asing dalam talian (forex online) adalah tidak
dibenarkan dalam Islam kerana terdapat perkara yang menyalahi hukum
iaitu pembelian wang tunai dilakukan secara kredit adalah
terang-terangan bertentangan dengan kontrak sarf (perdagangan matawang
asing) dan mengandungi unsur riba.
Unsur pemberian pinjaman yang terdapat dalam forex online oleh broker
turut tidak dibenarkan kerana mengandungi unsur riba apabila broker itu
mendapat manfaat daripada pinjaman seperti syarat yang dikenakan.
Dalam masa sama, didapati juga urusniaga tersebut mengandungi unsur
perjudian apabila ia secara jelas bergantung kepada turun naik harga
atau angka yang ternyata dilarang oleh syarak.
Melalui perbincangan ilmiah itu kesedaran mengenai bahaya perniagaan
yang mempunyai unsur-unsur riba adalah untuk menjaga kemaslahatan umat
Islam daripada memperoleh sumber rezeki yang meragukan dan bukannya
berdasarkan perasaan iri hati atau pun mempunyai kepentingan peribadi.
Makluman: Artikel ini dipetik secara langsung dari akhbar Utusan Malaysia Online pada 11 Jun 2011.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Law Of Attraction (HukumTarikan)
Menghidupkan Hukum Tarikan ialah dengan:-
1. Sentiasa positifkan fikiran supaya persekitaran kita adalah positif
2. Mengambarkan Kejayaan,Kejayaan dalam hidup kita
3. Memfokuskan apakah misi dan visi dalam kehidupan
4. Jalankan aktiviti penafasan yang dilakukan seperti bayi-bayi yang baru dilahirkan (Tarik nafas , tahan dan
lepas mengikut saat yang sama iaitu kalau tarik nafas lima saat ,tahan pun lima saat lepas nafas pun lima
1. Sentiasa positifkan fikiran supaya persekitaran kita adalah positif
2. Mengambarkan Kejayaan,Kejayaan dalam hidup kita
3. Memfokuskan apakah misi dan visi dalam kehidupan
4. Jalankan aktiviti penafasan yang dilakukan seperti bayi-bayi yang baru dilahirkan (Tarik nafas , tahan dan
lepas mengikut saat yang sama iaitu kalau tarik nafas lima saat ,tahan pun lima saat lepas nafas pun lima
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Making Money with Google Adsense
Google adsense is a money generating tool if used smartly.
Google adsense is a type of advertising opportunity offered by Google
through which you can earn some money only if you own a website or a
blog. 'Google ad sense' are the third party ads, 'ads by Google' which
you can place on your website or blog.
Goggle adsense is of two types: 'content adsense' and 'search engine adsense'. In the content adsense, small ads labeled as 'ads by Google' with appear on the side of the page. You get paid when your site visitor clicks on any of those ads. In 'search engine adsense', Google search engine will appear on your site. If your site visitor conducts a search using that and then clicks on any of the sponsored adsense ad which appears in the search results, you get paid for that click.
Procedure for using Google adsense:
1. You can sign up for free by visiting:
2. Check up with their program policies. If it is compatible with you then fill their online form. Check your e-mail, as you will be asked to confirm your e-mail address. Within 2-3 days you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration.
3. Then you can log in your account in order to obtain an HTML code generated for you by Google adsense.
4. Put this code on your website. This code will generate ads on your site which will be labeled as 'ads by Google' or a Google search engine or both depending on the option you have chosen while filling the form
5. You can choose the type of ads you want to display on your website to certain extent. For e.g.: You can prevent your competitor's ads from appearing on your site by setting up filters.
6. You can customize the appearance of the ads so that it matches your site by changing the background color, font size and type etc.
So if you currently own a blog or a website Google ad sense is a good way to earn some revenue. Google matches the keywords of your site with the keywords appearing in the sponsored ads. It then places the ads matching with the content of your site. Thus the visitors on your site act as a highly targeted audience for these ads. These are the very group of people who would be interested in these ads. Every time an 'ad by Google' is clicked by a visitor on your site, you earn a commission. The amount of commission you earn per click can vary from 0.05$ to 30 $ a click. Thus everyone benefits. The website owner who has put up these ads earns money as the visitors on his site click these ads. The websites whose ads are clicked obtain more traffic. Google earns money through the bids placed by advertisers for placing these ads.
The disadvantage of using Google adsense on your site is that when your visitors click on Google adsense ads, the ad does not open in a separate window, the ad opens in the same window. Thus you lose your visitors. Your visitors land on some other site. However Google compensates for this by paying you a little commission.
Goggle has technology to detect click fraud, thus do not even attempt to cheat on goggle adsense by clicking your own ads or asking your friends to do it.
The revenue you earn from ad sense ads depends on depends on the following things:
1. How much traffic your site is getting: With a large traffic you can get a lot of clicks and thus can generate few hundred dollars per day. Thus in order to increase your earnings from Google, increase the traffic on your site
2. How well optimized is your site: It your site is well optimized i.e. if the keywords you have used in your site exactly match with the contents of the ads placed on your site, the ads placed on your site are sure to get a large number of clicks. For e.g.: Imagine a situation in which you sell flowers on your site and you have used the keywords as flowers and butterfly while optimizing your site. When you place Google adwords, ads dealing with butterflies may also appear on your site. People visiting your site are interested in buying flowers and not butterflies. Thus it is unlikely that they are going to click the ads dealing with butterflies. Thus in this case since your site is not well optimized, you don't get many clicks. You can learn about tips for optimizing your site from the Google adsense site.
3. How much money the advertisers are paying Google for particular key words: There are certain key words which are very hot and competitive. They will earn you a lot of money.
4. What is your website theme: Does your website pertain to hot keywords which are heavily bided for. Use the site to find the keywords in demand.
5. How sticky is your website: If your website is able to keep visitors stay on it for a long time there are more chances that the visitors will notice your ads and will click on it. Make your site informative and content rich, so that more people visit your site and people stay on it longer
Goggle adsense is of two types: 'content adsense' and 'search engine adsense'. In the content adsense, small ads labeled as 'ads by Google' with appear on the side of the page. You get paid when your site visitor clicks on any of those ads. In 'search engine adsense', Google search engine will appear on your site. If your site visitor conducts a search using that and then clicks on any of the sponsored adsense ad which appears in the search results, you get paid for that click.
Procedure for using Google adsense:
1. You can sign up for free by visiting:
2. Check up with their program policies. If it is compatible with you then fill their online form. Check your e-mail, as you will be asked to confirm your e-mail address. Within 2-3 days you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration.
3. Then you can log in your account in order to obtain an HTML code generated for you by Google adsense.
4. Put this code on your website. This code will generate ads on your site which will be labeled as 'ads by Google' or a Google search engine or both depending on the option you have chosen while filling the form
5. You can choose the type of ads you want to display on your website to certain extent. For e.g.: You can prevent your competitor's ads from appearing on your site by setting up filters.
6. You can customize the appearance of the ads so that it matches your site by changing the background color, font size and type etc.
So if you currently own a blog or a website Google ad sense is a good way to earn some revenue. Google matches the keywords of your site with the keywords appearing in the sponsored ads. It then places the ads matching with the content of your site. Thus the visitors on your site act as a highly targeted audience for these ads. These are the very group of people who would be interested in these ads. Every time an 'ad by Google' is clicked by a visitor on your site, you earn a commission. The amount of commission you earn per click can vary from 0.05$ to 30 $ a click. Thus everyone benefits. The website owner who has put up these ads earns money as the visitors on his site click these ads. The websites whose ads are clicked obtain more traffic. Google earns money through the bids placed by advertisers for placing these ads.
The disadvantage of using Google adsense on your site is that when your visitors click on Google adsense ads, the ad does not open in a separate window, the ad opens in the same window. Thus you lose your visitors. Your visitors land on some other site. However Google compensates for this by paying you a little commission.
Goggle has technology to detect click fraud, thus do not even attempt to cheat on goggle adsense by clicking your own ads or asking your friends to do it.
The revenue you earn from ad sense ads depends on depends on the following things:
1. How much traffic your site is getting: With a large traffic you can get a lot of clicks and thus can generate few hundred dollars per day. Thus in order to increase your earnings from Google, increase the traffic on your site
2. How well optimized is your site: It your site is well optimized i.e. if the keywords you have used in your site exactly match with the contents of the ads placed on your site, the ads placed on your site are sure to get a large number of clicks. For e.g.: Imagine a situation in which you sell flowers on your site and you have used the keywords as flowers and butterfly while optimizing your site. When you place Google adwords, ads dealing with butterflies may also appear on your site. People visiting your site are interested in buying flowers and not butterflies. Thus it is unlikely that they are going to click the ads dealing with butterflies. Thus in this case since your site is not well optimized, you don't get many clicks. You can learn about tips for optimizing your site from the Google adsense site.
3. How much money the advertisers are paying Google for particular key words: There are certain key words which are very hot and competitive. They will earn you a lot of money.
4. What is your website theme: Does your website pertain to hot keywords which are heavily bided for. Use the site to find the keywords in demand.
5. How sticky is your website: If your website is able to keep visitors stay on it for a long time there are more chances that the visitors will notice your ads and will click on it. Make your site informative and content rich, so that more people visit your site and people stay on it longer
Make Money Fast Quickly Online - Earn Money Tips Guide Homebased Business
There are many ways to make money fast online. Building an internet businesstakes time and work, but it is possible to make easy money online quickly if you know how to do it. However, there is no way to 'get rich' fast online (except winning the lottery), as far as I know.
ideas to make money fast online range from selling on eBay and Amazon
to forex trading to taking online surveys. Making quick money online is
about finding something to do that brings you money immediately, as a
direct result of the work you do or the action you take.
So, to make money quickly and easily you'll have to do one single,
simple thing that requires no or little special knowledge or training,
making a quick start possible. Of, course, to make extra money online
you need to have basic computer skills and internet knowledge.
Learning Curve
But, no matter which money making activity you take to, there will inevitably be a learning curve even if easy online money is your goal. If you decide to sell items on eBay, for example, you'll have to learn how to do it, how to set up an auction or other selling option, learn about their terms of business etc. There will always be startup matters to work out to make money fast online regardless of what opportunity you choose.
But, no matter which money making activity you take to, there will inevitably be a learning curve even if easy online money is your goal. If you decide to sell items on eBay, for example, you'll have to learn how to do it, how to set up an auction or other selling option, learn about their terms of business etc. There will always be startup matters to work out to make money fast online regardless of what opportunity you choose.
Here is a list of ways you can make extra money online fast and easy:
- Sell items on auction sites like eBay
- Affiliate business
- Take online surveys
- Read e-mails
- Forex trading
- Build websites for small businesses
- Teach online
- Sell ads on your website or blog
- Write articles for others
- Proofread other people's stuff
Use Your Talent
Anything you are good at, any skill or knowledge you have can be transferred into an online service that can make you money. People and companies, especially small businesses, need help to just about anything. Figure out what you are good at, and you'll soon come up with ideas to make money fast online - using your special talent.
Anything you are good at, any skill or knowledge you have can be transferred into an online service that can make you money. People and companies, especially small businesses, need help to just about anything. Figure out what you are good at, and you'll soon come up with ideas to make money fast online - using your special talent.
When offering your own services on the internet, there is one 'hump' to get started - marketing. Obviously you need to let people know about your business or service to get customers. So you will have to advertise it in some way - online or offline.
When offering your own services on the internet, there is one 'hump' to get started - marketing. Obviously you need to let people know about your business or service to get customers. So you will have to advertise it in some way - online or offline.
the fastest way to earn easy money online is choosing an option that
doesn't require any marketing, f.ex. taking online surveys. Selling
stuff on eBay and other auction sites is also fine, because sites like
that already have lots of traffic (visitors) - especially eBay.
Selling Ad SpaceIf you have a blog or (another) website, you can sell ad space on it. An easy and hassle-free way to put ads on your blog or website, is Google AdSense. These ads make you money every time people click on them. Learn about AdSense ads. If you already have traffic to your blog, you can start earning money online from those ads as soon as they are visible on your pages.
you see, there are many ways to make money fast online. The clue is to
choose an option that won't require you to reach the customers yourself,
by advertising or creating traffic to a website, but utilize other
websites' traffic. The two fastest options probably are selling
something on eBay, and taking online surveys.
Feel free to browse the articles listed below to get in-depth explanation on some fast money making options.
Make AdSense Revenue without a Website
AdSense is a tremendously popular program, with a wide diversity of
different people. However, in order to take advantage of this program
and earn AdSense revenue, you need to have a website, right? After all, the AdSense program was designed for web publishers of all kinds.
Actually, you can earn AdSense revenue without ever having to have your own website. Why does it matter? Why would you want to take advantage of AdSense if you don’t have a website?
Let’s face it; building a website can be quite simple. You will find that many webhosts will even build you a site for a nominal fee, or you can use templates to create a basic site. However, basic is often not good enough.
Consumers have become web-savvy enough that they can spot cookie-cutter sites a mile away. In addition, you might be tempted to use one of those free webhosts and take advantage of their templates. The same rule applies here… If you want your website to be taken seriously, then you have to have a professional site that really engages your visitor.
Another problem comes with actually getting people to visit your website. No website can be successful without traffic, but kicking up the amount of traffic your site receives can be an enormous pain.
Therefore, you should consider making AdSense earnings without actually having a website. How can you do this? What’s the catch?
The catch is that you still need to know the top paying AdSense keywords for your niche. However, once you know those keywords, you can find numerous ways to implement them and boost your AdSense revenue.
Content Producer – Some companies offer you a position as a “content producer.” In essence, you write articles for websites. They do not pay you for these articles in the traditional sense, but you will earn up to 100% of the AdSense revenue that your articles bring in.
Blogging – While blogging might seem like owning your own site, it’s nowhere near the hassle that creating a website is. In addition, most people expect some similarities between blog designs, simply because of the nature of the beast. You can monetize your blog and start earning revenue immediately.
Buy Existing Websites – You will find many domains for sale online. These domains have an established presence in the online world, so you don’t have to worry about drumming up as much traffic as you would if you were starting your own website. You can purchase one of these existing domains and monetize it with AdSense ads to start building your revenue streams.
Advertise through Other Sites – You can also circumvent the problem of having a website by placing AdSense ads on other websites. For instance, allows you to place AdSense ads on its pages and earn a percentage of the revenue these ads generate.
This is a simple, no-fuss solution to your need for income, but helps you avoid the problems inherent with creating your own website and ensures that you are able to earn as much AdSense revenue as possible.
Actually, you can earn AdSense revenue without ever having to have your own website. Why does it matter? Why would you want to take advantage of AdSense if you don’t have a website?
Let’s face it; building a website can be quite simple. You will find that many webhosts will even build you a site for a nominal fee, or you can use templates to create a basic site. However, basic is often not good enough.
Consumers have become web-savvy enough that they can spot cookie-cutter sites a mile away. In addition, you might be tempted to use one of those free webhosts and take advantage of their templates. The same rule applies here… If you want your website to be taken seriously, then you have to have a professional site that really engages your visitor.
Another problem comes with actually getting people to visit your website. No website can be successful without traffic, but kicking up the amount of traffic your site receives can be an enormous pain.
AdSense Revenue
The catch is that you still need to know the top paying AdSense keywords for your niche. However, once you know those keywords, you can find numerous ways to implement them and boost your AdSense revenue.
So, how do you make AdSense revenue without a website?
You’ll find that you can choose from a number of platforms:Content Producer – Some companies offer you a position as a “content producer.” In essence, you write articles for websites. They do not pay you for these articles in the traditional sense, but you will earn up to 100% of the AdSense revenue that your articles bring in.
Blogging – While blogging might seem like owning your own site, it’s nowhere near the hassle that creating a website is. In addition, most people expect some similarities between blog designs, simply because of the nature of the beast. You can monetize your blog and start earning revenue immediately.
Buy Existing Websites – You will find many domains for sale online. These domains have an established presence in the online world, so you don’t have to worry about drumming up as much traffic as you would if you were starting your own website. You can purchase one of these existing domains and monetize it with AdSense ads to start building your revenue streams.
Advertise through Other Sites – You can also circumvent the problem of having a website by placing AdSense ads on other websites. For instance, allows you to place AdSense ads on its pages and earn a percentage of the revenue these ads generate.
This is a simple, no-fuss solution to your need for income, but helps you avoid the problems inherent with creating your own website and ensures that you are able to earn as much AdSense revenue as possible.
Advantages of Owning Your Domain Name
- Easy to remember website address (
- No banners or popups
- Easier to get listed in search engines (Google, Yahoo etc.)
- You have more control over the look and feel of your website.
- Multiple branded email addresses (
- Plenty of web page space for site expansion
- No worries of site being removed unexpectedly
- Looks more professional
- More flexibility for design and functionality
- Help is readily available
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